samedi 27 décembre 2014

لائحة النيازك المريخية

الكاتب : Unknown بتاريخ samedi 27 décembre 2014  | بدون تعليق

لائحة النيازك المريخية 

النيازك , anayazik  , meteorite ,  meteorites maroc , nayzak
النيازك المريخية
Lithologic/textural codes: chassignitesnakhlitesmafic fine-intersertal or diabasic shergottitesgabbroic shergottitesolivine-phyric shergottites,
olivine-orthopyroxene-phyric shergottites
poikilitic shergottites
, phaneritic orthopyroxenite, impact melt breccia
, augite basalt. Falls designated by *
اسم النيزكمكان العثور عليهاتاريخ العثور عليهاالوزننوع النيزك
Chassigny*Chassigny, France (October 3)1815~4,000Chassignite
Shergotty*Shergotty, India (August 25)1865~5,000Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Nakhla, Egypt (June 28)1911~9,900Nakhlite
LafayetteIllinois(?) & Purdue Univ., USA1931~800Nakhlite
Governador ValadaresGovernador Valadares, Brazil1958158Nakhlite
Zagami*Zagami, Nigeria (October 3)1962~18,000Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
ALHA 77005Allan Hills, Antarctica1977482.5Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Yamato 793605Yamato Mountains, Antarctica1979~16Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
EETA 79001 A & BElephant Moraine, Antarctica19807942Shergottite
(Intermediate Permafic Olivine-Phyric & Mafic)
Los AngelesMojave Desert via Los Angeles, USA~1980(?) [1999]452.6 / 245.4Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
ALH 84001Allan Hills, Antarctica19841,939.9Orthopyroxenite
(Enriched Ultramafic Phaneritic)
LEW 88516Lewis Cliff, Antarctica198813.2Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
QUE 94201Queen Alexandra Range, Antarctica199412.0Shergottite
(Depleted Mafic Diabasic)
Dar al Gani 476 / 489 / 670 / 735/ 876 / 975 / 1037 / 1051Dar al Gani, Libya1996-20002,015 / 2,146 / 1,619 / 588 / 6.2 / 27.6 / 4,012 / 40.1Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Phyric)
Yamato 980459 / 980497Yamato Mountains, Antarctica199882.5 / 8.7Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Yamato 984028 / 000027 / 000047 / 000097Yamato Mountains, Antarctica1998-200012.3 / 9.7 / 5.3 / 24.5Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
YA 1075**Yamato Mountains, Antarctica199955Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Sayh al Uhaymir 005 / 008 / 051 / 060 / 090 / 094 / 120 / 125 / 130 / 150Sayh al Uhaymir, Oman1999-20011,344 / 8,579 / 436 /
42 / 95 / 223 / 75 / 32 / 279 / 108
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Dhofar 019 / Dhofar 1668 / Dhofar 1674Dhofar, Oman2000-20101,056 / 6.1 / 49.2Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
GRV 99027Grove Mountains, Antarctica200010Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Dhofar 378 / Unnamed Dhofar stone**Dhofar, Oman2000-200115 / 209.1Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 480 / 1460Morocco2000-200128 / 70Shergottite
(Intermediate Mafic Diabasic)
Yamato 000593 / 000749 / 000802Yamato Mountains, Antarctica200013,713 / 1,283 / 22Nakhlite
Northwest Africa 817Morocco2000104Nakhlite
Northwest Africa 2737Morocco or Algeria2000611Chassignite
Northwest Africa 1669Morocco200135.9Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 1950 / 7721Atlas Mountains, Morocco2001-2012797 / 32Shergottite
(Intermediate Permafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 856Morocco2001320Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 1068 / 1110 / 1183 / 1775 / 2373 / 2969Maarir, Morocco2001-2004577 / 118 / 140 / 25 / 18 / 12Shergottite
(Enriched Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 998Algeria2001456Nakhlite
Northwest Africa 4797Missour, Morocco200115Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 1195Safsaf, Morocco / Algeria2002315Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Phyric)
GRV 020090Grove Mountains, Antarctica20027.54Shergottite
(Intermediate Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 2046Lakhbi, Algeria200363Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Phyric)
MIL 03346 / 090030 / 090032 / 090136Miller Range, Antarctica2003-2009715 / 453 / 532 / 171Nakhlite
Northwest Africa 5029Morocco200314.67Shergottite
(Intermediate Mafic Diabasic)
Northwest Africa 3171Algeria2004506Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 2626Algeria200431.1Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Orthopyroxene-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 2646Algeria or Morocco200430.7Shergottite
(Intermediate Permafic Poikilitic Olivine Meladiabasic)
RBT 04261 / 04262Roberts Massif, Antarctica200478.8 / 204.6Shergottite
(Enriched Permafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 2975 / 2986 / 2987** / 4766** / 4783** / 4857** / 4864 / 4878/ 4880 / 4930 / 5140** / 5214/ 5219 / 5313 / 5366** / 7182 / 7890 / 8116Algeria2005-201070.1 / 201 / 82 / 225 / 120 / 24 / 94 / 130 / 81.6 / 117.5 / 7.5 / 50.7 / 60 / 5.3 / 39.6 / 17 / 5.1 / 0.5Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 4222Algeria or Morocco200616.55Shergottite
(Depleted(?) Permafic(?) Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 4468Southern Morocco2006675Shergottite
(Enriched Permafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 4480Algeria or Morocco200613Shergottite
(Intermediate Mafic)
Northwest Africa 4527 / 4925Algeria200610.06 / 282.3Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 5718Algeria or Morocco200690.5Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
LAR 06319 / 12011Larkman Nunatak, Antarctica2007-201278.6 / 701.2Shergottite
(Enriched Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 2990 / 5960 / 6234 / 6710Mauritania2007-2011363 / 147 / 55.7 / 74.4Shergottite
(Intermediate Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 2800Algeria or Morocco2007686Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Northwest Africa 5790 / 6148Mauritania2008-2009145 / 270Nakhlite
Northwest Africa 5298Bir Gandouz, Morocco2008445Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Jiddat al Harasis 479Oman2008553Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Northwest Africa 5789Morocco200949Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 5990Hamada du Drâa, Morocco200959Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Diabasic)
Ksar Ghilane 002Quibili, Tunisia2010538Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Northwest Africa 6162Lbirat, Morocco201089Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 6342Algeria201072.2Shergottite
(Enriched Ultramafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 6963 / 7258Tan Tan, Morocco2011>8,000 / 310Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 7032 / 7272Morocco201185 / 58.7Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Microgabbroic)
Northwest Africa 7034 / 7475 / 7533 / 7906 / 7907 / 8114Bir Anzarane, Morocco2011-2013320 / 80.2 / 84 / 47.7 / 29.9 / 1.9Impact Melt Breccia (Mafic)
Northwest Africa 7042Morocco20113,033Shergottite
(Intermediate Permafic Intersertal)
Tissint*Tanzrou, Morocco (July 18)2011>12,000Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 7257Morocco2011180Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 7320Southern Morocco201152Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Gabbroic)
Northwest Africa 7397 / 7387 / 7755 / 7937 / 8161Smara, Morocco2012-20132,130 / 392 / 30 / 152.9 / 216Shergottite
(Enriched Permafic Poikilitic)
Northwest Africa 7500Taoudenni, Mali20122,040Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic)
Northwest Africa 7635Dahkla, Morocco2012195.8Shergottite
(Depleted Mafic Olivine-Plagioclase-Phyric)
LAR 12095 / 12240Larkman Nunatak, Antarctica2012133.1 / 57.6Shergottite
(Depleted Permafic Olivine-Phyric)
Northwest Africa 7944Al Mahbas, Morocco2013815Shergottite
(Enriched Mafic Diabasic)
Northwest Africa 8159(?)Moroccoyear unknown149.4Augite Basalt (Depleted Mafic)
**These specimens have been confirmed as Martian, but have not yet been approved by the Meteoritical SocietyLast updated

معلومات عن الكاتب

عماد ابراهيمي خبير و اخصائي في مجال الاحجار النيزكية مهتم بجديد الاحجار النيزكية و علم الفضاء و من بين المؤيدين لفكرة انجاز متحف مغربي للنيازك..

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